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UOVGG, 222 Dickson Street, Pembroke, Ontario, Canada K8A 2X3

E-mail: enquiries@uovgg.ca

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The Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group

The Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group (UOVGG) was formed in January 1990 as a non-profit organization to foster the study of the genealogy of the families who live, or lived, in the Upper Ottawa Valley in Renfrew and Pontiac Counties.

Our objectives are to collect and preserve local genealogical records including census recordings, births, marriages and deaths, obituaries, cemetery transcriptions, family histories, charts and pedigree charts.

We share genealogy information with UOVGG members and the public and publish a newsletter, TIMBERLINE, on a regular basis.

We maintain a reference and lending library for members. We encourage ethical principles, scientific methods and effective techniques of genealogical research with primary interest in Renfrew County, Ontario and Pontiac County, Quebec.

The UOVGG Library

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The UOVGG Library entrance.

The UOVGG Library resource area.

The library is open to members and visitors. Volunteers will be happy to help you explore our extensive holdings of reference books, maps, biographies and famiy histories. Only members may sign out books. There is a $10 fee for non-UOVVG members when using books and research materials in the library. A UOVGG membership is $25 for a calendar year and can be purchased at the UOVGG Library.

The library is located at the lower level of 222 Dickson Street, Pembroke, Ontario (see the Google map, below), in the building owned by the Masonic Lodge. There is plenty of free on-site parking with access off of Maple Street. Unfortunately, the library is NOT wheelchair accessible.

The library is open Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. The library is closed on holidays and for two weeks at Christmas. The UOVGG Library may still be opened by appointment by contacting Helen Schruder (contact information below) but there will be a $25 cash fee (or the purchase of a UOVGG membership) for openings outside of our regular hours.NOTE: During inclement weather, particularly in the winter, the UOVGG Library will be closed. Please contact Helen Schruder at 613-638-6116 to enquire about library hours when the weather is bad.

The UOVGG welcomes donations of family histories, local histories, old street directories, and any other genealogy-related materials.

UOVGG Meetings

Visitors are always welcome to attend UOVGG General meetings and to participate in any of our special events.

Meetings are held in our reference library on the third Saturday of every month. Any guest speakers at the meetings will be advertised in the Timberline newsletter, the Coming Events page on the UOVGG website as well as in local media. Please note that meetings are not held during July and August.

The UOVGG also has a Facebook Group. Facebook users are encouraged to join the Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group's Facebook Group.

The UOVGG welcomes donations of family histories, local histories, old street directories, and any other genealogy-related materials.

The UOVGG Executive and Staff List

Chairperson Larry Schruder Pembroke
Vice-Chairperson Jason Porteous Pembroke
Past Chairperson Terri Saunders Pembroke
Secretary Beth Adams Pembroke
Treasurer Ann Frketich Pembroke
Dave Smith Deep River
Hank Vaillancourt Pembroke
Helen Schruder Pembroke
Functional Leads
Membership and Library Helen Schruder Pembroke
Fundraising and Grants Larry Schruder Pembroke
Programs Terri Saunders Pembroke
Timberline Editor Beth Adams Pembroke
Web and Technology Dave Smith Deep River
Publicity Jason Porteous Pembroke

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